Jesus welcomes all. So do we.

Our hope is that you will find Willow Avenue Mennonite Church to be a welcoming, affirming, and nurturing community of all sorts of people doing our best to follow Jesus' example of loving God and our neighbors.

Willow Avenue joined Mennonite Church USA in Jan 2023 after the dissolution of our membership within the US Conference of Mennonite Brethren churches when we passed the following resolution: We resolve to welcome, accept, and affirm LGBTQIA+ people without reservation to all aspects of the life of the congregation including but not limited to membership, baptism, marriage, volunteer leadership, employment, and pastoral ministry.   

Join us weekly


Sunday Worship, 9:30 am

In person, on Zoom, or Facebook Live

Our worship gathering lasts about an hour, followed by refreshments. Most weeks we offer a second hour of conversation and learning for all ages from 11:00 AM - 12:00. More information about what to expect on Sundays can be found here.

lectio divina zoom logo.jpg

Wednesday Connections

Join a small group to pray with the scripture for the upcoming Sunday in the Lectio Divina meeting at 11:00 AM on Zoom.

Join a small Writing Group meeting at 2pm on zoom. After having a time to write in response to a prompt someone brings, people share their writing and others offer supportive reflections

Contact Us

2529 Willow Ave. Clovis, CA 93612

Phone: (559) 291-3344 // Fax: (559) 291-6453



Our office is open Monday to Wednesday 8:30-4:00; Thursdays by appointment.

Needing an announcement in the eNewsletter or bulletin? Submit your request HERE.

Stay connected with Willow Avenue Mennonite Church
through, Facebook, Instagram and email.