Youth Ministries

We value including our youth in the life of the church in whatever ways possible. Every Sunday during the second hour (11am-12pm), we have occasions to foster faith, learning, and fellowship for youth in the youth room. We’ve explored topics like world religions, what it means to be Mennonite, and a range of biblical stories. We also plan special events with our youth and mentors throughout the year. Some examples include things like a camp out, helping with the MCC fritter both, and indoor rock climbing.

Mentor PROGRAM (7th-12th grade)

WAMC is intentional about marking the stages of life with our young people. As our youth enter the seventh grade, we pair them with another adult in the congregation to form a mentor student pair. The mentor is a friend and support to compliment and strengthen family and congregational relationships. Mentors encourage our young people to grow into vital and contributing members of the congregation. It is our intent that the joining together of mentors and students will bless and strengthen them as they follow Christ together.