Policy of Sexual and Non-sexual Abuse of Power and Harassment - Willow Avenue Mennonite Church
All persons, pastors, church employees, and volunteers, are to practice integrity in personal relationships. Sexual misconduct and abuse of power are in violation of biblical principles, the way of Christ, and the policy of Willow Avenue Mennonite Church. Sexual abuse and other forms of abuse of power are never acceptable for pastors, church employees, church participants, or church volunteers.
Sexual misconduct is a misuse of authority and power that breaches Christian ethical principles by misusing a trust relation to gain advantage over another for personal pleasure in an abusive, exploitative, and unjust manner. Nonsexual abuse of power similarly uses authority and power of position to manipulate others to act in a manner contrary to their own standards and personal will.
Church Response to Allegations of Misconduct
In responding to allegations of sexual misconduct or abuse of power the church should protect the dignity of each person and seek healing of all persons. Where possible, the privacy of persons should be respected and confidentiality maintained.
Reports of sexual misconduct and abuse of power should be made to the chair of the personnel committee, to a pastor, or to the external reporting agent by clicking on the button above.
Reports of allegations of sexual misconduct should never be taken lightly or disregarded and allowed to circulate without concern for the integrity and reputation of the survivor, the accused, and the church. Reports of allegations should be dealt with as matters of highest confidentiality. Oral reports should be translated to written form. A confidential file is to be maintained. The pastor or the personnel committee chair should report the allegation to the personnel committee which should appoint a committee of inquiry promptly and report to civil authorities as mandated by law. The committee of inquiry should follow procedures outlined in the Mennonite Church USA guidelines for misconduct. When it is determined that the allegation of misconduct is substantiated, the report of the incident(s) should protect the identity of the survivor and prioritize the integrity of the church.
Prevention and Risk Management
A personnel file with current and past Memorandums of Understanding, application forms, and employment questionnaire regarding prior offenses should be kept for all pastors and employees, in particular those with contact with minors. Those with a prior record of offense should not be unaccompanied in the presence of minors or others at risk.
A national background criminal check using information from the driver’s license should be conducted on all pastors, employees, and volunteers who may have interaction with minors. At the discretion of the personnel committee a fingerprint check may be required at the expense of the one who is fingerprinted. Allegations of misconduct should be maintained in a confidential file accessible only to the personnel committee and its designees.
Education and Training-Awareness
The personnel committee shall report annually in January to the church council its ongoing education.