Maundy Thursday

In Matthew 26, we read about Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, Judas’ betrayal, and Peter’s denial.  In John 13, we read about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet -- a deeply humble act of service.  Events are set in motion that lead to Jesus’ trial and death.

This video is based on the prayer stations offered last year on Maundy Thursday in the sanctuary at Willow Avenue. These stations are by no means traditional; some prompts for prayer and reflection draw on themes and symbols from the last days of Jesus’, while others lead us into the expansive vision of the vastness of God’s love.

For a fuller experience of guide for prayer and reflection, gather these items and have them nearby before you begin the video:

A piece of paper and pen or pencil
A candle and match or lighter
A bite of anything to eat
A small mirror

If you have not yet had a chance to set up a sacred space in your home, here are some ideas for consideration.